Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I'm Back

Ok, I think I'm back. I hope I'm back. We'll see if it sticks. Life has happened since I've posted last, moved back to St. Louis, bought a house, went on vacations, Kyle started residency, Aubrey turned 2. A lot has happened. I guess it's also not technically life down south anymore either, oh how I miss Tennessee. I'm loving being back closer to family and friends but there are many a moment when I miss our simple life up on Mikonda. I am going to try and get back at blogging so I have a place for all of our memories because oh my does little Miss Aubrey give us some memorable moments. She is hilarious now that she's so talkative. She's such a silly girl and is making us laugh all the time. She also is definitely "2", she knows how to say no and knows when to throw a fit (just happens always to be in Target when there is a billion eyes on us). Yes, I have overheard the comment "Honey, thank you for not acting like that (mom to her 4 year old)". Hmm lady I doubt you've ever had this happen, ever! 2 year old wants toy, 2 year old hasn't had nap, 2 year old screams, it all adds up for me. One problem is my 2 year old looks like a 4 year old and I guess is expected to act like one, but nope not so much. Speaking of looking like a 4 year old, Aubrey's 2 year old stats- weighing in at 32 pounds and and 39 inches tall. Off the charts for height, hoping for an olympic beach volleyball player (we've been watching the olympics before bedtime- she especially loves beach volleyball and gymnastics). So this was my attempt at a quick synopsis of trying to catch up. Here's just a couple pictures of our giant I mean adorable 2 year old.