Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Baby Bump

Here's a picture of me at 17 weeks and my baby bump is growing! I'm starting to get the belly rubs and it's kind of weird, but cute. I had a 8th grader come up to me tonight and just rub my belly and ask how the baby was doing, it was kind of cute. Kyle looked at me the other night and said I was huge. He said he thinks I'm going to get big fast, but we'll see. We go next Thursday to find out if we're having a boy or girl, we can't wait!

So I use a Who Wants to be a Millionaire game to review with my 5th and 6th graders and the other night I look over at Kyle and saw this. It was Kyle reviewing for a test with a Who Wants to be a Millionaire game his teacher made (sound and all). I just started laughing that med students play a game that I play in my classroom. He was so into it. He took the test today, so we'll see if it helped him.

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