Sunday, April 18, 2010

Letters to Aubrey Lynne

I saw this on another blog, Dear Baby , I read about how a mom wrote letters on her blog to her little girl Everly before she was born and still writes now the she's had her.

I am sitting here feeling you flip all around in my belly. I can't believe that I only have about 10 more weeks or less to enjoy this amazing feeling. It's just you and me girl sitting here relaxing (ok, you aren't relaxing much) but still it's an experience that just us two get to share. I'm so excited to meet you, see what you look like. Smell that good smelling baby head of yours. Count your little toes. See if you have daddy's eyes. See if you have my nose. Hold you in my arms instead of in my belly. There's just so many things I have to look forward to but for right now I'm enjoying it just being you and me. Of course, Dad loves to feel you move around and I wish he could feel you as often as I do. But, really it's just you and me all the time. When you get here I'm going to have to accept the fact that other people will want you too (bummer, I have to share you). Just know that I've loved having these 7 months so far just being us. I love you so much already even though I haven't even met you.

Love you more than chocolate,

P.S.- The other night dad said he could literally feel your little foot push out when I was sleeping. I felt it too because I woke up yelling, OW..OW..OW. I would appreciate if you didn't do that as much anymore, haha.


Sheila Marti said...

This is so beautiful. You will be so pleased with yourself later that you took this moment to write to Ms. Aubrey and express the lovely feelings that you have towards her. Later you'll want to read this to remember the time when she was the safest and quietest.
p.s. love the "love you more than chocolate" part, too. Precious!

Mom said...

Your letter brought tears to my eyes. Reminds me how I felt with you. Didn't mind the late night feedings either. That was Our time together. It is funny how you can't hear her now and she can be so loud in a few months. She'll probably be like you and never cry and be the happiest baby you ever saw. Other mothers will be so jealous.