Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Fave Baby Items

I've promised my pregnant friends that I was going to do this post for a while so here it is. All the baby items that I couldn't live without. Of course these are different for each mom but this is just what has worked for us.

Lansinoh Soothies- I got these wonderful gel pads at the hospital, but if my hospital didn't provide them the next time around I would definitely pick some up. Pretty sure you can get them from Walmart or Target. The BEST thing for soreness with breastfeeding, it's like an ice pack for your boobs.

Along this line Lansinoh cream is also a must for breastfeeding mommas. Another must is a breast pump. Although I don't pump all the time it definitely helps when you're too full and need some emptying. I know I said "baby items" but if you're about to have a baby pick up a large thing of super pads. Trust me, you'll need them.

Newborn diapers- I was a cheap butt and thought we could do without and just use the size 1's that we had gotten as shower presents, but we had Colleen and Chuck go out and get us some newborn diapers that we didn't have to fold over.

The Boppy- It's great for nursing but what we also use it for is for Aubrey to lounge in or nap in. It's a safe and comfortable spot to put Aubrey when I need my hands.

Baby Gowns- They are the best thing for middle of the night changes. No snaps just lift it up and pull it back down. Definitely need this when you can barely sit up because you're so tired, you don't want to have to actually try and snap a sleeper together. Speaking of which snaps are easy to do during the day but I think in the middle of the night some of the snaps move places when you're not looking and make it impossible to match up. Snaps at 3 AM are the most frustrating thing so definitely the gowns are awesome!

Snap N Go Stroller- I love my travel system that my mom got us and we will definitely be using that stroller for longer trips and for walking, but this stroller has been great for quick trips to the store and stuff. It's lighter than the car seat and you can open it and close it with one hand. It only weighs about 8 lbs. It's definitely a lifesaver.

Car mirror- This gave me peace of mind the first time I drove with Aubrey by myself. I was so worried not being able to see her and this definitely calmed me down. Not to mention I drove with my hands at 10 and 2 and super slow, defnitely changes when you have precious cargo with you, speaking of should I add this to my list.

Haha, no I'm not one of those moms.

Water- I know this seems out of place on the list, but I made the mistake of not drinking enough and technically caused the recent problems I've had. Drink LOTS AND LOTS of it!!!

Bouncer- Some people may not be able to live without a swing but ours has been the bouncer. We don't even use the vibrating part, she's not a fan of being shook. We have used it whenever we've needed to do anything. We have a safe spot for her and we have our hands back for at least 15 min, woo hoo. This is often taken into our bathroom too so I can actually take a shower or do my hair. I even jump out of the shower put the pacifier back in and then hop back in, oh the life of a mom.

Last but not least, this has been our lifesaver. Our Pack N Play. Aubrey loved sleeping in the napper and we just recently took that off and she's sleeping in the bassinett like part. It has a night light that works once the napper is off. It's got vibrating, but Aubrey isn't really interested in that. It's also got sound which has Aubrey looooves. I press the rain button and she's back out. It has been great having her right by us to do middle of the night feedings and diaper changes. I think the first few nights I slept with my arm hanging inside the napper part holding the pacifier in her mouth that kept falling out. Which speaking of which I wanted her to use the soothie pacifiers like this.

It's supposed to be the most like a nipple, but it's hard for her to keep in. She now uses the NUK pacifiers and she can even put her hand by it and try to keep it in. I never thought I would be a mom that says oh that's her favorite pacifier, but I definitely am and I don't care. If it makes her happy, then I'm all for it. We also call the pacifier our 5 min. snooze button because in the morning we can put it in and know we have about 5 min. of sleep until it falls back out and she's back awake, so I put it back in and repeat the cycle.

So there's my list. At least it's everything I can think of for now. No babies are alike that's for sure though, Alarie and I are finding this out first hand. What works great for Aidan doesn't work for Aubrey and vice versa. Speaking of those two cuties, I've seen the pictures Alarie's friend has taken and I'm trying to get a copy of them so I can post them on here. They are absolutely adorable!!!


Angela said...

Just in time for registering! Thank you!

Jennifer said...

I couldn't agree more!!! Those are some of the best! The only thing I can think of that I would add to the list is the Angel Care Monitor. It gave us peace of mind when Samantha slept because she would only sleep on her belly...I know I'm bad it increase her risk of SIDS, but an alarm would go off if she stopped breathing...luckily it never happened!

Mom said...

Great list! You should be a baby consultant like they have bridal consultants. Think of all the frustrated Baby's R us customers you could save! You didn't mention the portable sitz bath, I am surprised. Thanks for the laugh, I loved the 5 minute snooze story, Wonder if she is as irritated at the snooze ring as I am when it goes off for an hour.

Momma Wilson said...

I recently came across your blog and wanted to say that your little girl is precious!

I too loved the pads, hydrogel was my friend. I have a long list of new mommy must haves on one of my pages as well. Your friends will get much use out of this list!