Wednesday, April 20, 2011

10 Month Eater

On one of the blogs I read, Classic Ivory did a post on what her baby is eating.  Now that Aubrey is 10 months old (yikes!) and has almost 6 teeth she has started to eat a lot of table food.  Here are some of the foods that she eats oh and shares with Bailey, who now sits patiently right under Aubrey's high chair waiting for any dropped pieces of food.

-Pasta (here she's eating whole wheat rigatoni noodles in spaghetti sauce)
-Mac and Cheese
-Fruit cut into small pieces- Banana, grapes, apples, oranges, pineapple, peaches
-Green Beans
-Plain rice cakes
-Homemade tortillas- she loooves these
-Veggie sticks from Sams also a big favorite
-Ground and Deli Turkey
-Just recently introduced during a Walmart trip with a cranky baby- Raisins and Animal Crackers
-Cheerios- one of Bailey's favorites, haha
-Goldfish- introduced in the nursery on Sunday

So that's what Aubrey's been eating, a lot different flavors and textures than boring 'ol baby food. She still does some baby food, she has her days when she wants it and days she wants nothing to do with it.  Hope you liked the messy spaghetti pictures up top, it resulted in an immediate bath. My mom said next time we should just let her eat the spaghetti in the bath tub to make life easier.  We'll see about that one.

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