Wednesday, August 5, 2009

We're ALIVE!!!

I know it's been forever, but Kyle and I have enjoyed spending so much time with each other this summer that blogging took a back seat. A wayyyyy in the back back seat. But, here we are 4 months later and Kyle has started back with his second year of medical school. I asked if he was ready the day before he started and he was excited and said yes. I will start teacher work week on the 10th and the students start the 17th. Last week I helped out with the med school's orientation for the student advocate group I'm in and it was so weird to see all of the first year students and spouses. I can't believe that was us a year ago. We made it through one year of med school and we're much more prepared this time to tackle the second year. Here is a list of some fun things we did this summer just to catch ya'll (yeah I've been caught accidentally saying it a couple of times) up:
  • Moved from Kentucky over to Tennessee, we now live only 5 minutes from school and work!
  • Got new Tennessee plates and driver's licenses, yes we are law abiding citizens even though we only moved like 15 minutes away we had to change states, bummer

  • Went back to St. Louis to help host Savannah's wedding shower and spent time with both of our families

  • Kyle's Dad and sisters came down to help us move- We went hiking and celebrated Kyle's birthday

  • My mom came down to visit and help make curtains for our laundry room, she was also here for our book club and helped me host at my house

  • Drove up to Ohio to go to Cardinals/Indians games with Chuck and Colleen and go to Colleen's wedding shower

  • Kyle was a groomsmen in Chuck and Colleen's wedding, yay for MR. and MRS. FISHER!

  • On the same weekend we stayed a night in Cincinatti to celebrate our one year anniversary with a fancy dinner out

  • We went to Florida for 10 days with the whole Bartosiak side of the family and had a blast playing at the beach with Caden, Noah, and Josalyn. Not to mention spending time with my parents and sisters was amazing!

  • Kyle's brother Cole came down to visit with 2 of his friends and we had a fun filled weekend full of a trip to the flea market, a hike to White Rocks and Sand Cave, and we visited the waterfall in Corbin


Tyson & Rebecca Sloan (Mr. Incredible & his sweetheart) said...

WOW! Looks like you had a 'fun summer'. . . just like we wished for you in your yearbook (oh, yah. . . we didn't sign yearbooks!lol)
Love your post! We need to get together soon!

Heather said...

Oh its so wonderful to see you blogging again. I really miss my Harrogate girls....any chance you will be in Chattanooga next year. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I'm so glad you had a wondeful summer. Keep in touch, hugs!