Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Post Baby Body

Well it's been 3 1/2 weeks since I've had Aubrey, I don't want her to get bigger or older at all. Somebody at a store asked, How new is she? This is my new favorite, why ask how old people they are, that's so pepssimistic, how new are you is going to be my new question. I was so happy to say 3 weeks new :) Ok, that's not what this post is about, back on track. So when I first left the hospital I definitely looked like I was 6 months pregnant still, but after a few weeks my tummy has well.....deflated. My boobs on the other hand have inflated! My butt has also deflated, unfortunately. Bartosiaks have NO butts and it was nice to actually have a butt for a change. I still have 15 lbs. to get back to pre-baby weight, but I'm in no rush. Right now I'm just enjoying Aubrey and not focused on shedding this weight. It took 9 months to put on and I'm thinking it's not all going to shrink in 3 weeks.

Here's the play by play. Me at 39 weeks.

Me 3 weeks post baby girl.

I had this little girl in me 3 weeks ago! Oh, and yes we do own clothes she just spits up and poops on everything and it seems like we always have the camera out in the middle of changes.


Angela said...

You look fabulous!

Heather said...

yay! you look great! Good to talk with you today sweetie!

Kitten said...

You look fantastic! Good job, mamma!

Jennifer said...

You look great!