Tuesday, January 12, 2010

He or She is a moving!

We had exciting news last week! I felt the baby move for the first time!!! We got home from our doctor's appointment and I was making tacos and all of a sudden I grabbed Kyle's arm and he was like what??? I didn't say anything, all I did was just stand there because it was soooo weird. We decided he or she must like Mexican since we were making Tacos, maybe we should use pablo as a nursery deccoration. I thought I felt the baby a weekend before but it was more like a punch and I'm pretty sure now that that's not what I was feeling. This was amazing...weird, but amazing. It felt like a wave in my stomach or like a ripple. I've gotten to feel the baby most nights now, he or she seems to like to dance around at about 9:00 pm. Kyle has tried to feel him or her but it's not strong enough yet. I told him or her yesterday that once they get out they better not be a night baby but for right now he or she is definitely a night baby. When the baby moves I think of it doing little dance moves in there, kind of like this...

Kyle has been able to hear the heartbeat (faint) but he still heard it with his stethoscope, which was neat since he can't feel him or her at least he can hear his little one. We are so excited to be going back to the doctor on January 28th to find out if we're having a little baby girl or boy. We're still split for right now, I'm thinking girl and Kyle is thinking boy so we'll see. Kyle said once he knows the sex he thinks it will become a lot more "real". It still doesn't feel real sometimes for me, but now that I'm feeling little Frederick it's definitely becoming a lot more real. Once we find out the sex we will definitely be sharing that news on our blog, so be watching around the 28th. We aren't 100% sure on names yet so we're still waiting on those to see him or her again and see if anything just clicks. Well we have exciting news coming up this month with finding out where we will be living and what we will be having....definitely lots to look forward to!

1 comment:

Angela said...

Totally laughing out loud about Pablo as the nursery decoration. Maybe you could put a diaper on him for effect!