Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Glimpse into our Sick Baby World

Well for the past 3 days we've been dealing with a sick baby.  Aubrey went to nursery for the first time Sunday, yay!!! Aubrey then was sick the next day, not yay :(  You can also kind of see her bruises in this picture, she bonked her cheek last night in the bath tub, she's a little reckless when she's sick. She has a cold or allergies and then added to that she has 4 teeth on top 2 mostly through but 2 that are pushing their way through (those poor gums).  So why when I was in college could I party and get hardly any sleep and be up for 8:00 classes the next morning, like in this picture from the night I kissed Kyle for the first time, yep you heard that right I made the first move, haha.  I thought you guys might find that pic funny, it was Cinco de Mayo 4 years ago. 

But when I pull an all nighter with a sick baby I feel like I've been run over by a Mack truck.  OH yeah I'm much older, as my friend Sandy so nicely commented on facebook, haha.  I show the good, the bad, and the ugly here so this is how I look after getting hardly any sleep the past 2 nights and what's that thing I'm holding in my hand you may ask.  It's the most AMAZING tool to have with a sick, congested baby.  It's a battery operated nasal aspirator or as my nephew Caden likes to call it a bateroperated booger sucker.  It works wonders!

Last night we were also supposed to get a big storm come through so we set the bathroom all up in case we needed to go in there, luckily we didn't have to. Our sink full of flashlights, the charger for our lantern because of course it wasn't charged, our bath mat in the sink (you'll see in a minute), and then can you see the abundance of baby meds on the counter.
Hence the bath mat drying in the sink, we made a bed in the bath tub because last tornado warning I was holding Aubrey on the cold bathroom floor for 20 minutes. We were definitely prepared this time.
So sorry I don't have some ridiculously cute picture of Aubrey up but this has been our life for the past few days and that's what this blog is here for to share our lives so welcome to sick baby world.

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