Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Easter

Well Aubrey's first Easter wasn't exactly how we planned, but we did have a fabulous Saturday.  Saturday we bbqed, hung out in the sun, Aubrey took a dip in the baby pool, and Kyle and I even got to play a game of washers while Aubrey napped.  Sunday was a completely different story. 
Aubrey woke up feeling fine at 4:00 and we were planning on going to sunrise service but it looked like a storm was coming so we went back to bed and planned on going to 8:30 but our plans quickly changed when at 6:00 she woke up with a fever and just looking miserable.  So no Easter church service, no cute Easter dress, but we did get a lot of snuggle time in with my little girl.  She is feeling 100% better now, thankfully because we are packing up again and taking off for a month in St. Louis. 

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