Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Hiking to the Pinnacle

After having the whole week off of school and poor Kyle has been studying all week for big tests on Monday and Tuesday next week so we decided to take a break on Saturday to do some hiking since it was 60 degrees and sunny outside. I can't believe that it was snowing 4 days earlier. We have a beautiful overlook that you can drive up a mile to see over Kentucky, Virginia, and Tennessee so we decided to hike up to it from the town Cumberland Gap. It was Bailey's first hike and she did really well and didn't even get tired when I did. It was a little muddy from the snow melting and we all got really dirty and Bailey had a blast playing in the mud. The neatest part was once we got up to the pinnacle the parking lot had about 3-4 inches of snow still on it, so there was nobody up there and we had the whole place to ourselves. I was so glad Kyle was able to take a break from studying and go hiking. After we were all done it was about a 4 mile hike and we were all exhausted afterwards, especially Bailey. She passed out once we got home and slept most of the night. I never realize how much we would like hiking until we actually got out and did it, I enjoy being away from everything and being out in the woods (weird, never thought I would say something like that). We plan on doing a 19 mile hike over the summer without Bailey so we are working our way there.

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