Saturday, January 22, 2011

Gatlinburg Weekend

We went to Gatlinburg last weekend with Colleen & Nigel or Jack (in utero), Alarie and Aidan, and Becky and Janie. Colleen's sister let her use her vacation points and we stayed at a very nice resort. We had fun just hanging out and talking since we haven't seen Becky in a while it was great to catch up. The babies had fun too. Here's a picture of them enthralled by Baby Einstein while we were trying to put their pack n plays up. We went swimming and Aubrey loves swimming and it wore her out. I'm trying to find out if there is a swim time at the Tenn. Tech or the YMCA because she slept great the night she swam. We also did a little shopping at the outlets and I was buying 2 T stuff for next year!!! CRAZY!! I can't believe she's going to be that big. I figure if she's wearing 12 month stuff at 6 months then she'll probably be in 24 month stuff by next winter. We had a great time and were sad when it was over but Aubrey and I missed her dad so we had to go back. I called on Sunday and said we've just decided to move there. Something about the mountains, wow never thought I would say that! But they are truly amazing.
I love these girls! Oh and 1 sleepy boy :)

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