Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Sick Baby

Well we made it almost 8 months with no real sickness for this little girl. Saturday night Aubrey had a fever and was super fussy and wouldn't hardly slept unless she was being rocked or laying on my chest. She was really congested and drooling a lot so I chalked it up to an ear infection or just teeth coming in.
She had an appointment on Wednesday for her flu booster shot anyway and still no sign of the congestion getting better. So I moved the appointment up to today.   Well the nurse came in after taking a nose swab for RSV and said the test had only ran for a few minutes but was already coming up positive. So our baby girl has her first real sickness. We are just doing tylenol to keep the fever down and breathing treatments using a nebulizer. So after a very long day of getting prescriptions and the nebulizer we're home and snuggling.

On a funny note, this is where I spent a majority of the night last night. I used to do this in college when I wasn't feeling good, ok I mean having a hangover. Well Aubrey was so congested I thought the bouncer may work to keep her inclined to breathe better and then I turned on the shower for some steam. It actually worked out great, so if you ever have a congested baby and don't know what to do, try this one out.

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