Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Still Sick

Well she's gotten worse and now has a bad cough.  I feel like I'm going on a couple hours of sleep for the past few days because she wakes up about every hour.  Sometime I nurse her to get her to fall asleep, sometime I just rock her, and sometime she just cries and cries.  This definitely has been a more tiring week than when she was a newborn.  Here's a picture of her sleeping in the swing.  It helps if she sleeps upright so she can breathe better.  She's sleeping in her car seat in our room right now.  I'm hoping she starts getting better than getting worse.  She is pretty funny after her breathing treatment because it makes her hyper and it's like she's bouncing off the walls afterwards. 

Kyle has one more day of family medicine and then he's going to be starting radiology on Monday.  He's really enjoyed family medicine and I think that has started to make his cut list now too.  We're so proud of him and definitely looking forward to having him home for the weekend to be with his sick baby girl.


Anonymous said...

Poor thing! Hope she feels better soon!

Sheila Marti said...

I hate that both Aubrey and Aidan are sick. I hope that the entire Mikonda family gets well soon!