Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

We had a great time today at a Trunk or Treat that the church we've been going to put on. We did a trunk with the Ornburns and Colleen. This was a stinkin adorable picture I've been meaning to put up for a while with a cute shirt from my Aunt Sissy.

We had a fun time trying to get Aubrey's hair to stick up and for a bow to stay in her hair. Some felt and hair gel later it stuck for most of the night. She got this ridiculous cute diaper cover for my baby shower and I thought hmmmm, Pebbles?? So we went as the Flinstones. Kyle said I couldn't take any pictures and he's going to kill me for putting this on here but this is like Aubrey's baby book so Aubrey, this is how much your dad loves you. He wore a shirt that matched your cute costume. I was Wilma of course. I had to try and make Wilma church appropriate, which is very hard when it gets close to Aubrey's feeding time. Excuse the umm, ladies.
The Ornburns as Carlos and Allen and Glenda the good witch.The girls!! I got extremely giddy when they said ok we need a girls picture and I almost gave Aubrey to Kyle and then I realized, WAIT she's a girl :) Colleen is the wicked witch if you can't tell.Daddy loves his little girl. Could they not look any more alike??? So all in all, Aubrey had a great first Halloween.

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