Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mmmmmm Food

We started SOLIDS last Wednesday after her 4 month check up. She's a big girl, she weighed 16.9 lbs and was 24 inches long in the 99% for heigth. She cried like crazy after the shots again, but didn't cry when it was time to take off the band aid, so we're making progress.
She loves to grab the spoon and has already tried feeding herself. This little one is going to be independent.
She likes the rice cereal, but we tried green beans tonight and she wasn't a big fan. I don't know if it was the texture or the taste. I don't really like anything green, so maybe she takes after me and isn't going to be a huge veggie person. I hope she has Kyle's taste buds and will eat just about anything. One thing we've learned from the feeding process is it's MESSY!!! She's pretty cute though making that mess.
Hmmm, not so bad...

Wait, take that back....this is disgusting!!Yuck, get it out, GET IT OUT!Here's our reenactment of Aubrey eating rice cereal, my camera ran out of battery the first night so we had to pretend the second night.

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