Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Half Gallon Baby

So I have a half gallon of milk in me, but no not because I drank one because that's how big our baby is. I got an email today that said at 24 weeks our baby girl will be the size of a half gallon milk! That seems huge! One girl today at school said Mrs. Toti you're so big, you're going to have a huge baby. A teacher that heard it said no she's not, she's really small. The girl proceeded to tell me that she thinks the baby will be like 10 pounds. REALLY??? What junior high kid tells a teacher that. I just stood their and said, nope she's really not that big. After reading the milk email though she does sound big.

Tonight I am headed to water aerobics at LMU. Yep, I sound like a 60 year old grandma saying I'm headed to water aerobics. The woman that teaches yoga that I go to told me about it and said it feels really good to be in the water when you're pregnant. I can't use the excuse that I don't have a swimsuit, because before our Thanksgiving cruise I bought a maternity swimsuit top. It didn't fit at all when we left for the cruise but now it definitely does. I may even give you a sneak peek of what I looked ilke before heading off to water aerobics (haha, every time I say that I laugh and picture a bunch of older women wading around in the water).

Do you notice anything that has grown besides the baby? Yeah, definitely a good sympton of pregnancy. :)

*Post water aerobics update- Ok so it did look like this...

But it was actually a decent work out. My lower back or actually "sacrum" (my fancy medical term, aren't you proud) actually felt better after being in the water for an hour. I will definitely be going back to go swimming with all of the grandmas (Don't laugh at me).


Katie said...

Can I tell you how much I love pregnant women in two pieces? Just something so cute about it. Not that I would ever do that...but you could totally pull it off. You're getting even cuter each post!

Heather said...
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Heather said...

(that was weird my first comment to you got deleted. Anyhow....Hi Amanda! I am having so much fun reading your blog and following in your motherhood journey- its amazing isn't it? I had to giggle about going to water aerobics because I too went when I was pregnant. Ben was born the end of July and during the summer months and in my 3rd trimester...it was the only thing that felt good. ha! Glad to hear the pool is a comfort to you too! xoxoxoxo

Kitten said...

I loved this post! The swimming suit is so adorable, but I'm sure you feel about your water aerobics how I feel about my Knox book club! ;)