Monday, March 22, 2010

My Hilarious Nephew

I had so much fun playing with my 2 nephew and neice this past week. I wasn't able to catch every funny thing they all did on camera, but I was able to catch two funny things that Caden had done. Caden and Pa Pa watch clips from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, yeah Pa Pa gets in trouble for this sometimes. There is a part in the movie where they have the Knights that say NI! He loves saying it and it was cracking us up.

The other thing I caught on tape was Caden picking toe jams. He used to have this fetish of looking for toe jams a while back and he started looking for them again last week. He goes through each toe methodically and if he sees anything he picks it. Well then he decided he needed to pick Aunt Kimmy's toes too. He had us all cracking up. I'm glad I have a funny neice and nephews. I can't wait to see what they teach their cousin.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Made me laugh! Thanks I needed that. Miss all the fun of last week. Enjoyed you being home so much. The house is soooo quiet.