Sunday, March 28, 2010

Hello Third Trimester!

Well I am happy to say this week I started my third trimester. I can't believe that in 3 months we will have our little baby in our arms. It's been a good week in the fact that I passed my glucose test at the doctor, woo hoo no gestational diabetes! My doctor's appointment went well and we had lots of questions to ask the nurse practitioner who we met with this time. I really like the nurse practitioner, I like our doctor too but I've always had female obgyns and I feel more comfortable with the nurse practitioner. Our other big thing is I had to get a Rogam shot because I am RH negative, which means I'm A- blood type and since Kyle is O+ I have to get this rogam shot at 27 weeks and then again when I deliver. I don't have a problem with shots or giving blood, but this wasn't fun. The nurse put the shot in the back of my hip and when I turned around I hadn't seen the needle (no problem, shots don't bother me, right?) well Kyle's eyes got really big and I jumped forward when she stuck me. That sucker was long and hurt pretty bad. Kyle's eyes were big at the size of the needle. Overall everything went great and now I start going to the doctor every two weeks.

Here's a picture from our SAA shower. Rebecca is 34 weeks, I was 27 weeks and Alarie is just 5 days behind me.

We've talked about her name a lot, and we even got some things embroidered from my baby shower last week so we're sticking with the name unless she comes out looking like a Frederick or something else. Sooooo we will be calling our baby girl...

Aubrey Lynne
We are having a relaxing Sunday, but I am going to start boxing up some of the baby stuff that we won't use until after we move. Kyle and I both say it looks like a babies r us has thrown up all over our house. We have a thunderstorm in Harrogate right now, which we don't have many. That is one thing I miss about St. Louis is all of the tornado warnnings, thunder, and listening to the rain. I know weird, but I love listening to a good thunderstorm. You can't really tell in this picture but we kept our front door open watching the rain and Bailey seems to like it as much as we do, until there was a loud clap of thunder and she ran over to us scared. Well I'm going to sit back and enjoy the rain. (When I really should start on the boxes, but they can wait.)

1 comment:

Mom said...

So I even talked to a doctor the other day about placement of the Rhogam injection. She said the arm is OK which is where I prefer to give it with a smaller needle. SOOO. Your nurse loves big needles and wants a bigger target. Also we give Rhogam injections. Maybe Tennesse has a different type since it is rogam with a big needle. Just kidding. I'll watch the next one. Your nurses will be anxious to see me leave but I won't let them hurt you needlessly. Love you