Monday, August 16, 2010

Having Fun with Grandma

My mom came into town this weekend and went with me to my 6 week check up which turned into 8 week check up actually. Doctor said I looked good and I did a good job healing, yay!!! Here are a few pictures from the weekend.

Relaxing with Grandma

Ready for my doctor's appointment and trip to Knoxville.

Hanging out on our porch with the neighbors. Yes that is our baby with no clothes on. It was hot outside and hey we live in Tennessee so we pretty much fit in.

The baby neighbors chilling on the couch.

I've tried flipping this picture like 10 times and can't figure it out, but she's got the cutest grin on her face, she's soooooo cute. Ok, ok, I'll stop bragging on my baby, that's kind of bad isn't it.

This was my outfit when I was a baby. My mom brought down pictures of me when I was a baby and she has this same picture with me. Aubrey does look a little bit like me when I was a baby, woo hoo maybe she really is mine!

She loves rocking Aubrey, but really who wouldn't.

Kyle has 1 week left of pediatrics and then he starts internal medicine next week. He will get to relax a little this weekend because we are meeting my family at a lake in Kentucky for the weekend. He'll get to finally do some fishing and relax for a bit. This will be our first trip away. I feel like I'm going to have to pack the entire house, it should be interesting. Aubrey and I are driving down on Thursday and Kyle is coming after work on Friday. We'll see how driving 2 hours with a baby goes by myself, but we're pretty lucky because she usually likes car rides and just sleeps. I'm hoping she'll be the same on Thursday. She does have an adorable swimsuit and can't wait to take her swimming for the first time!

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