Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Headed to the Lake!!!

We're going to a lake in Kentucky this weekend and meeting my family there. Aubrey and I are leaving in the morning and Kyle is going to meet us there Friday after his peds test (say a prayer he does a good job on his test and his presentation). I'm hoping the drive goes well tomorrow by ourselves. Luckily Aubrey usually falls asleep in the car so I'm banking on that. Kyle's going to spend the whole weekend fishing and I'm excited to finally get to go swimming!!! It's been an entire summer and I have yet to go swimming, I guess that's what I get for having a baby in June. I'm not super excited to get into a bathing suit but I got a new one so I'm not dreading it. Especially with my new ummm how do I say this nicely...HUGE TA-TAS! Haha, baby benefits from breastfeeding and so does mama! I'll leave you with an insanely adorable picture of Aubrey in her new swimming suit. You should have seen Kyle and I trying to get this thing on her, poor kid baby swimming suits are probably the hardest thing to get on. I think I'm going to invent a baby swim suit with snaps on the bottom, it would make it soooo much easier. Oh and my tubbo fit into a 12 month swimming suit, she's soooo dang cute if I must say so.

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