Saturday, September 25, 2010

Don't Look at Me

So Aubrey's new thing is to cover her face with a blanket when trying to fall asleep. She was trying to fall asleep when I was cleaning up dinner and she lifted the blanket over her face. I didn't want her suffocating so of course I pulled it down. Well she decided it was too bright or something becaues she lifted it right back up. So after this game for a few minutes I just let her fall asleep. I sat there right by her and made sure she was still breathing and I could still hear her loud sucking of the pacifier. I thought this was just a one time thing, but nope when I was bringing in groceries, I came in and found this...
It's kind of cute, but scary that she puts blankets over her head. I've stopped putting a blanket on her during naps and at night, just in case.
Kyle gave Aubrey a bath the other night and came out with this..
if you can't tell he gave her a full blown out mowhawk. It even lasted into the morning and I woke up to a little rockstar.

1 comment:

greatgrandma Joan said...

Aubrey inherits covering her face/head. Her grandma Terri always wanted her face/head covered when going to sleep. I used a "birdseye diaper" to cover her face/head as it was thin when unfolded!! Greatgrandma Joan