Friday, November 5, 2010

Giggles and Toes

Aubrey is loving her feet. They are like a constant toy that is never taken away from her. She tries to kick off her socks and is getting very good at it. Sometimes she just pulls the socks off. Oh and aren't the overalls absolutely adorable.
I almost have it Mom.
Yay, my toes are free, they're free.
Here's a video of her laughing and playing with those toes.

On a socks/toes unrelated story. Guess who's back??????? Aunt Flow came into town yesterday after being gone for a year :(, no that doesn't even justify it, super sad face is what I need. I thought I had another year with none of that since I'm breastfeeding, but nope it made a surprise appearance yesterday. I called my mom for some sympathy but she said it's just mother nature. Then I thought Alarie would give me some, a little, at least more than my mom. Then my sister and I got a laugh out of coming up with the part from the movie 40 Year Old Virgin where the dad asks how to stop his daughter's menstrual cycle, you know just for a few years. So thank you Kimberly for making me laugh out of this dreadful day.

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