Monday, November 1, 2010

Mommy Monday

I'm going to start writing about one thing each Monday that has only happened because I'm a mom now. Aubrey does so many hilarious, adorable, and also disgusting things that I know will forget in time so here's a way for me to remember all of those memories. So today I've got three things that only happened because I'm a mom. Aubrey has started this new projectile spit up and I've gone along with the Ornburns idea of anything in sight that could wipe up the mess I grab. So today was a blanket and it was just the first thing I saw. My second mommy moment was a delightful 30 min. nap I got to take with my sweet little girl. She fits perfectly into the crook of my arm and I can't help but nod off for a little while too. My third goes along with the nap. Just as we got all settled in and comfortable for our nap, Aubrey had just dozed off and I realized something was wet. I pull away the blanket and there is a massive amount of Aubrey poop creeping up her onesie and all down her pants. It was epic. She was even laughing as I was cleaning her off, at least somebody thought it was funny. I was afraid the laughter would decrease her tiredness but nope as soon I laid her back down she got thoes sleepy eyes once again. I love being a mom, definitely the best job I could ask for even if it's a little messy sometimes.

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