Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Long Night

But really how can you be mad at a face like this....

Even with the snot, drool, and something stuck to her cheek I still love her too much to get upset with her when you see this in the morning. I should actually say Kyle "aka-Super Dad" had a rough night. Not only did he have a sick baby he also had a sick wife that didn't want to do the rocking all night. I have a head cold or something and I hit my limit last night when after my head was pounding the only way to soothe Aubrey was to let her literally pull my hair. So after a while I couldn't take it anymore and I raised my white flag and let Kyle take over. He is such a great dad and so patient with Aubrey. We're crossing our fingers she starts feeling better before taking a 12 hour trip to Dallas on Friday. I'm taking her to the Dr. tomorrow if we have another night like last night. Thanks Kyle for being well.....amazing!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

i'm in the same boat...Samantha and I both have colds...ugh. Hope everything is going well!