Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Picking a Birthday....

Having a baby is sooo different than when my mom did it. There's a billion choices of strollers, car seats, high chairs. Before Babies R Us (which can honestly be the devil, there's soooo many choices, styles, colors, blah, blah, blah). Going in that store when you're trying or excited about babies is a whole different story than when you go in there and are pregnant, can you say overwhelming. The rules they have for during pregnancy my mom hadn't even heard of before my sister was pregnant. No deli meat, no hot dogs, no certain kinds of cheeses. Well now there's another difference, picking your delivery date.

I went to the doctor again yesterday, but just for a normal 2 week visit. They said everything looks good still, I'm measuring right on track and Aubrey's heart rate was 141 which is good. It's supposed to be between 120-160 so I think I have a calm little girl, but we'll see. The nurse practitioner asked me if we'd discussed induction dates yet, and we haven't so I said no. Well we will be living about an hour and half away from the hospital, where as that would probably make me have a meltdown before, I'm actually pretty ok with it. Kyle has somehow made me a lot more laid back and not a spas. Our plan is to go into labor naturally and to not have an that is just what that is....a plan. I am fully aware that things could go completely, completely different. She could be breech (which right now she's not, thank the Lord) and we'd do a c section. She could come late and therefore we'd be induced. Anyway she started giving me dates that we could possibly be induced. Our doctor induces on Tuesday and Thursday so if we're induced she will then most likely have a Tuesday or Thursday birthday this year. It felt like we were discussing possible hair appointments, she said well we can do the 17th, but we could also do the 22nd or 24th. I basically told her we need a baby here by the 28th, which is when Kyle starts his rotations and our lives will get a lot more busy. I felt like I was discussing "ordering" our baby.

Kyle and I are still discussing the options, but the one that makes the most sense right now is to set it for the 24th (her due date anyway) and then hope that I can go into labor on my own before then. As soon as we get moved on the 12th and unpacked, Kyle is going to start all the manipulations he knows to try and induce labor naturally. We're really just trying to throw everything in at once in June. Anybody want to hang out in June, I might have 1 free day. So as soon as we're unpacked we're doing EVERYTHING possible to get this baby out so that Kyle can get all the time in with his little girl before he starts rotations. We've already discussed walking like crazy, spicy food, standing on my head (haha, just kidding), but everything will be tried except that crazy castor thank you. Well that's our plan, but again Aubrey may wind up having a plan of her own. I guess we'll just have to wait and see, she may have already picked out her own birthday for all we know.

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