Monday, June 21, 2010

Hospital Pictures

Here is the link to our hospital pictures that they came in and took yesterday. I can't believe that was only just yesterday. Click here and you'll have to enter the code- 72531301096142 as the customer number and password. Our first night home was pretty good. Aubrey was crying from about 12:00-12:30 and I kept telling her the Fishers aren't going to like you. Once she calmed down she slept until 3:00 and then ate, pooped like crazy and then fell back asleep until 9:00. We were lucky to get some sleep. Today we're just resting and enjoying our brand new little girl.


Angela said...

Awww!!! I love her! She is such a cutie! Good luck momma, I know you are settling in and doing wonderfully.

Jennifer said...

Those are ADORABLE!!!! Hope you are all settling in and getting adjusted!